Audio Clips/Video Clips/MVs / Drama (2013.09): King's Daughter / Episode Review/Preview / Photos

King’s Daughter: Episode 108 screen captures – Myeong Nong and Seolnan… forever

King's Daughter fanmade poster52
Seolnan (in her letter to Dorim):
Father knew I could not forget King Seong
the same way Father never forgot my mom.
So Father agreed to give me what I wanted.
I asked Father to hide that I am the real SBH,
and unite King Seong and I as one.
I won’t pretend I don’t miss His Majesty,
or that my heart didn’t skip a beat
at the thought that King Seong might visit.
Myeong Nong Ep 108-19
I stand alone in the darkness
The winter of my life came so fast
Memories go back to childhood
To days I still recall
Oh how happy I was then
There was no sorrow, there was no pain
Walking through the green fields
Sunshine in my eyes
I’m still there everywhere
I’m the dust in the wind
I’m the star in the northern sky
I never stayed anywhere
I’m a wind in the trees
Would you wait for me forever?
I’m still there everywhere
I’m the dust in the wind
I’m the star in the northern sky
I never stayed anywhere
I’m a wind in the trees
Would you wait for me forever?
Will you wait for me forever?
Will you wait for me forever?

Myeong Nong Ep 108-19a

90 days since “King’s Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang” ended….
90 days waiting for Jo Hyun Jae’s next project….
And, yes, JHJ….. we will wait for you….
even if it takes forever…
but I do fervently hope JHJ will not make us wait forever… LOL

Myeong Nong Ep 108-19b

One of the things I liked about episode 108 of KDSBH are those scenes of Seolnan looking back at the road leading to her small village … hoping for her special someone to arrive… she is obviously waiting for King Seong as she mentioned in her letter to Dorim which I quoted up top.
Aren’t we all like that when we anticipate the arrival of someone very special to us? We keep looking at the road where they would likely pass, or we keep looking out the window to check if that special person has finally arrived. Every sound, every footstep, every knock we hear, our hearts would skip a beat, then gallop like a horse on a run… hoping… that those sounds, those footsteps, those knocks belong to that very special person in our life.
JHJ fans, like Seolnan for most of episode 108, are in a waiting mode these days. Waiting for JHJ to make a new post on his FB page… waiting for news about JHJ. Everyday, even when I am on vacation, I visit all the sites where I could possibly pick up news about JHJ. Each morning, my heart is filled with anticipation… hoping… hoping that today will be the day we will hear from JHJ… or that today we will find out what JHJ’s next project will be. Sometimes I pick up a gem shared by other JHJ fans. A new picture that hasn’t been posted online before. Or a new video. Even old pictures are shared again with accompanying stories.
Waiting for someone is one of the most difficult things to do. I have been through so many periods of drought (times when JHJ fans don’t hear even a peep from JHJ for weeks/months on end) in the JHJ world, I should be used to it by now. But every time we are in the midst of one, I still get sad and depressed when we don’t hear from JHJ.
However, waiting becomes bearable when you have people keeping you company while you wait. In the case of Seolnan in the drama, she has her friends to keep her company and the care of Seolhee to occupy her mind and time. In the case of us JHJ fans, we have our fellow JHJ fans from different parts of the world who encourage us and keep our spirits up as we go through another drought in the JHJ world.
Just like in KDSBH King Seong arrived to fulfill Seolnan’s dreams and prayers; our dear Hyun Jae will appear before us when he is good and ready. So, let us just be patient, JHJ is always worth waiting for.
JHJ may be out of the limelight at the moment, but because he is never far from our thoughts, we see and feel him everywhere…. he is the dust in the wind… he is the star in the northern sky… he is the wind in the trees….
Here are additional screen captures from episode 108:

Myeong Nong Ep 108-19c Myeong Nong Ep 108-19d Myeong Nong Ep 108-19e Myeong Nong Ep 108-19f Myeong Nong Ep 108-19g Myeong Nong Ep 108-19h Myeong Nong Ep 108-19i Myeong Nong Ep 108-19j Myeong Nong Ep 108-19k Myeong Nong Ep 108-19l Myeong Nong Ep 108-19m Myeong Nong Ep 108-19n

BGM Information:
Song title: Forever
Singer: Stratovarious



Credit: Poster 1 from DC/SBH; Screen captures by Ojik @ Naver. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “King’s Daughter: Episode 108 screen captures – Myeong Nong and Seolnan… forever

  1. Hang in there. He will come out soon. 🙂 Actually it’s normal for actors to rest for a very long time. (My bias has not done a drama for 8 months) But for JHJ case, it seems like it is a long time because when he rests, he totally hides away from limelight. I think he is already a hardworking actor with two dramas per year. So don’t be sad JHJ’s fans 🙂

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