2015.09.08 CAFE and DC fans / Drama (2015.08): Yongpal / Visit the Set

CAFE and DC fans visit Jo Hyun Jae at the set of Yongpal, 2015.09.08 (Part1)

Visit the set 2015.09.08-1

Fans of Jo Hyun Jae from Carpe Diem/CAFE (Korea and Japan) and DC JHJ Gallery are visiting JHJ at the set of “Yongpal” as of this writing (12:40 a.m, September 9.)
The fans received notification from JHJ’s managers about the schedule of their visit only last Sunday, September 6. The schedule given them was 9 p.m., Tuesday, September 8.
However, on the afternoon of September 8, they were informed that the scheduled visit has been moved to the afternoon of September 9. The information regarding this change was posted on DC/JHJ at around 5 p.m.
And then at around 9:30 p.m. another message was posted on DC/JHJ saying that the visit has been moved back to September 8, at 12 midnight! They have less than 3 hours to make preparations. Everyone was in a panic – fans and vendors alike!
But, the desire to see JHJ and to show their support for him is paramount in everyone’s mind. DC/JHJ is in charge of the coffee and tea cart, while Carpe Diem/CAFE is in charge of the food cart (bapcha). At around 10 p.m., Korean fans from DC/JHJ began their set-up. Check out pictures of their coffee and tea cart below. The coffee cup is so suitable for Han Do Jun – devil-in-us coffee! OMG!
No pictures yet of JHJ from the visit, maybe fans are still busy seeing to things. Maybe they will post photos tomorrow. I will update this post once the pictures become available.

Visit the set 2015.09.08-8 Visit the set 2015.09.08-2 Visit the set 2015.09.08-3 Visit the set 2015.09.08-4 Visit the set 2015.09.08-5 Visit the set 2015.09.08-6 Visit the set 2015.09.08-7


Credit: DC/JHJ @ gall.dcinside.com/hyunjae

One thought on “CAFE and DC fans visit Jo Hyun Jae at the set of Yongpal, 2015.09.08 (Part1)

  1. Pingback: CAFE and DC fans visit Jo Hyun Jae at the set of Yongpal, 2015.09.08 (Part 2) | Simply JO HYUN JAE

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