Drama (2013.09): King's Daughter / Ratings

King’s Daughter ranks #3 among Korean dramas on KNTV

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Jo Hyun Jae‘s most recent drama “King’s Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang” (KDSBH) which is currently airing in Japan via KNTV, now ranks #3 among Korean dramas airing in the said cable station.
When they aired episode 32 KDSBH‘s ranking was #4, today they aired episode 42 and the ranking has risen to #3. Episode 42 includes the scene where Crown Prince Myeong Nong (played by our dear Hyun Jae) will engrave the tapir tattoo on Seolnan (Seo Hyun Jin). The tapir tattoo is a sign that Seolnan is now a member of Bi Moon, Baekje’s spy organization. And since it is the Crown Prince who is doing the engraving on her skin, that means the Crown Prince is now her owner/master.
Here is the list of top 10 Korean dramas on KNTV
1. 3days(原題) (3 Days)
2. キレイな男 (Beautiful Man)

3. 帝王の娘 スベクヒャン (King’s Daughter, SBH)

4. スキャンダル (Scandal)
5. オーロラ姫 (Princess Aurora)
6. ずる賢いバツイチ女(原題)(Sly Single Lady)
7. ファントム(Ghost)
8. ショー!K-POPの中心 KPOP)
9. ゆれながら咲く花 (Cannot translate)
10. グッド・ドクター (Good Doctor)

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Here is the youtube clip if you want to watch that scene again. I ❤ this scene.


Credit: Ranking from http://www.kntv.co.jp/prog/detail/; Photo 1 from DC/SBH; video from MBC. Thanks!

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